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【大美广东】Meizhou:A city full of plum blossoms! “文物由来第一流”梅州:一城两坊,花开并蒂

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
In Meizhou, Guangdong, where the city is full of plum blossoms and poetry, the strong Hakka flavor is like a spring breeze.  

"One City, Two Squares (Jiaying Ancient City and PanguiFang and WangxingFang squares)" is the epitome of the Hakka City Humanities Show Area in the world, with cultural relics and convergence.

In the Song Dynasty, the Meijiang River bank witnessed the beginning of the building of a city, which gradually took a pattern of"one city and two squares". And now, the ancient city has been repaired and revitalized, becoming one of the most typical, historical and cultural reserves in Meizhou.

The city has more than 30 famous streets and ancient alleys. Among them, the arcades of Jiaying Ancient City have strong Lingnan characteristics, and the Hakka style of Yuegong Alley and Zhutiao Street reflects the Hakka tradition of part-time learning and advocating for education.

上一篇:【大美广东】"Hometown of Simiao Rice (Jasmine Rice)": planting rice with 5G technology 广州这片土地“真香”!“丝苗米之乡”
下一篇:【雲上嶺南】The Rooted in Guangdong, Immersed in Life exhibition opened at the Guangdong Art Institute

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