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【大美广东】A golden rapeseed flower field welcomes spring! 陌上花开,广州油菜花田拥抱春天

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
As the temperature rises gradually, the breeze starts to blow gently in Guangzhou. A sea of flowers has quietly ushered in spring in the flower city of Guangzhou.

Recently, a golden rapeseed flower field in Jingxia Village of Huangpu District has attracted numerous citizens and tourists, many of whom come to enjoy the beautiful flowers and take photos.

The flowering period of rapeseed flowers is usually from March to April in spring. Thanks to the warm climate in Lingnan, the local flower fields come into full bloom at the end of February, and the flowering period will last for about a month.

Jingxia Village has a history of nearly 300 years. With the continuous progress of rural construction, the village has earned fame on the Internet for its beautiful and ecological-livable environment.

上一篇:【大美广东】A romantic "flower road" in Guangzhou! 紫荆花开!广州人民北路成浪漫“花路”
下一篇:【大美广东】"Hometown of Simiao Rice (Jasmine Rice)": planting rice with 5G technology 广州这片土地“真香”!“丝苗米之乡”

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