【老广贺春】Chinese New Year in Guangdong: Shaoguan immerses in rich festive atmosphere 新春将至,韶关浈江各地龙年味正浓

来源: 欧洲侨报   时间:2024-02-10 16:01:05

As the Chinese New Year of the Dragon is around the corner, products featuring the elements of the Dragon, such as red envelopes, clothing, and New Year flowers, havebeen selling like hot cakes in various markets. Despite the recent cold and rainy weather, people are still enthusiastic about buying New Year's goods, dispelling the winter chill with the vibrant and lively atmosphere. In supermarkets within the Metro Plaza of Zhenjiang District, Shaoguan, New Year products such as stickers of the Chinese character "Fu" (meaning "good fortune") and creative ornaments of Dragon have been displayed in prominent positions, attracting people to embark on a shopping spree.





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