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Video|Yingge Dance Set London Alight, Sparking a Frenzy of Onlookers

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报

On 11 February local time, 2024 Chinese New Year in London was held, which is the largest Chinese New Year celebration outside of Asia.

At Trafalgar Square, the famous landmark in London, Puning Nanshan Yingge Dance team brought the heroic atmosphere of Yingge Dance performance.The lively and rhythmical drums at Trafalgar Square attracted crowds of people, especially local residents and tourists. People raised their mobile phones to record the wonderful moments of Yingge Dance performance.

The area around Trafalgar Square and the main streets of Chinatown were dotted with stalls selling a wide range of food, New Year's products and traditional Chinese handicrafts. London was immersed in the festive atmosphere of the Chinese New Year.

The celebration is expected to attract more than 700,000 overseas Chinese, international students, representatives of Chinese and British organizations, as well as the British public and tourists from all over the world.

On 22 December last year, the United Nations General Assembly officially designated the Chinese New Year as a United Nations holiday, meaning that "Chinese New Year" has been upgraded to "World New Year".

The event was well-timed and the Chinese New Year folklore activities attracted a lot of attention on social media platforms. Puning Yingge Dance’s first performance in London has set off an overseas craze and showcased the world the magnificent Lingnan spirit.





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图、视频拍摄|羊城晚报伦敦特约记者 余佳颖
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