【大美广东】Zengcheng, Guangzhou: a century-old ancient pagoda reflects local culture and memories 广州增城:百年古塔守护一方文脉与乡愁

来源: 欧洲侨报   时间:2024-08-02 18:09:10

Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | The Yanta Tower was built in 1574 on Zhi Mountain in Zengcheng, #Guangzhou. It is known as the cultural landmark of Licheng, symbolizing the auspicious meaning of that students can achieve high success. The tower is also the deep-seated sentimentality of many Zengcheng people, bearing the homesickness of thousands of wanderers.

It is nestled among layers of lush mountains and reflects on the clear waters of the Zengjiang River. Like an elderly sage who has weathered the years, the tower has stood for four centuries, watching over the land beneath it; yet it also resembles a youthful figure with sharp features, unyielding to the passage of time and full of vitality. The main colors of the tower are cinnabar red, pine green, and a large area of white, adding a touch of liveliness and freshness to it.#SplendidLingnan






广州之窗建成!大湾区新地标+1! 广州之窗建成!大湾区新地标+1!


