【雲上嶺南】2024 Maritime Guangdong Young Director Support Program | Interview with Short Film Training Camp Mentor Zhang Chong: Enjoy the Second Life Brought by Film Editing 丨专访山海训练营导师张崇:享受电影剪辑带来的第二人生

来源: 欧洲侨报   时间:2024-09-19 18:45:18

Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | Among all the behind-the-scenes roles in the #film industry, the editor might be one of the most "homebody" professionals. While most viewers don't notice editing during a film, editors are often called the "second director", shaping the final vision of the movie. In mid-July, the #Maritime Short Film Training Camp held an editing workshop, inviting Zhang Chong, the editing director of films, such as Stand By Me, Enjoy Yourself, Song of Spring, and Summer Diary, to serve as a mentor and share stories of the #art of editing. #SplendidLingnan




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