State Grid Yingtan Power Supply Company Conduct Live-line Maintenance in Summer Heat to Ensure Residential Electricity Supply
From 8:00 to 13:00 on July 15, State Grid Yingtan Power Supply Company (hereinafter referred to as Yingtan Power Supply Company) replaced broken vacuum switches without turning off the electricity on the 10 kV circulating line of the Circular Economy Park in Huangxi Town, Yujiang District. The 27 enterprises and 1,241 households connected by the line were still able to have power supply as normal during the maintenance work.
Yingtan Power Supply Company deployed four cranes to carry out the work simultaneously.
During the maintenance work, the workers had to withstand the scorching temperature as high as 40°C. Four vehicles for live-line maintenance and one bypass operation vehicle were allocated to the electricians. The 20 electricians carrying out the work were divided into four groups. They adopted the bypass working method to change the broken vacuum switches and successfully solved the problem to eliminate safety hazards after five hours of hard work. If the line had been cut off for maintenance work, the enterprises and residents relying on the line would have lacked a total of 13,754 kWh power for at least eight hours.
Getting off the aerial lift, the electricians were soaked to the skin.
Since June 20, 2022, power consumption has entered its peak season. To avoid interruptions in the supply of electricity, people's livelihood and the economy, State Grid Jiangxi Electric Power Co., Ltd. has completed 2,585 live-line maintenance tasks and avoided 6,625,200 kWh of power loss.
Among all the live-line maintenance tasks, the bypass working method is one of the most difficult working techniques with the most complicated process and highest requirements for comprehensive coordination. First of all, it requires connection by pulling in electricity with bypass flexible cables, thus rapidly forming a temporary circuit path; then, the equipment needing maintenance is isolated from the power grid, which enables maintenance without the need to turn off the power.
Text: Zheng Xuehua, Fang Ying, Chen Boshi
Photo: Wan Zhihui