
来源: CANTON TODAY 今日广东GDtoday   时间:2021-09-13 17:48:10


两区的相关政策已于近日公布。在这期节目中,小马想要了解这些新政策,会如何影响在深圳和珠海的外国人。于是,小马联系上了两个英国朋友,他们分别从1999年和2005年起,就在广东工作生活。他们是前华为集团全球业务变革副总裁Joseph Smith(周哲夫)广东英国商会副主席Mark Clayton(马克·柯雷顿)


The relevant policies of Hengqin and the Qianhai cooperation zones have been announced recently. In this episode, Little Ma would like to find out how these new policies will affect foreigners living in both Shenzhen and Zhuhai. So, Little Ma gets in contact with two British friends who have lived in Guangdong Province since 1999 and 2005, respectively. They are Joseph Smith, former vice president of Global Business Transformation, Huawei TrueAI Systems, and Mark Clayton, vice chairman of the British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong. 

首先,小马想知道新政策在他们眼中最吸引人的地方是什么?另外,如果在广东深入投资时,他们对合作区和大湾区有什么看法?他们是否认为大湾区将成为一个更有吸引力的外商投资目的地? 还有就是他们亲眼目睹了深圳什么样的变化? 想要了解更多在大湾区发生的种种变化,记得观看今天的视频!

Firstly, Little Ma is interested in finding out what is most attractive about the new policies in the eyes of her British mates. Also, when it comes to investing further in Guangdong, how do they feel about the new cooperation zones and the Greater Bay Area in general? Do they think that the GBA will become an even more attractive destination for foreign investment? Also, we’ve all heard about Shenzhen once being just a small fishing village adjacent to Hong Kong, but what specific changes has Little Ma’s friend in the city seen over the years? To learn more about the exciting changes happening right here in the GBA, make sure you watch today’s episode! 

总监制:林庆坚 李子俊

编辑:王东东 大哈

Executive Director: Yanfeng Shi
Senior Supervisors: Qingjian Lin, Tammy Lee

Proofreader: Crystal Li
Program Producer: Vivian Ma

Editors:  Simon Wong and Hazza




广州之窗建成!大湾区新地标+1! 广州之窗建成!大湾区新地标+1!


