News Xplained | Can the latest mega bridge in South China live up to expectations?

来源: 欧洲侨报   时间:2024-06-30 18:07:15

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link, the latest record-breaking bridge in China, will begin operation at 3 p.m. on June 30. Spanning over 24 kilometers across the sea and costing 6.7 billion USD, it is one of the world's most sophisticated sea crossings ever built.

The giant project is expected to enable connected cities to grow like never before. But can this expensive colossus really live up to the expectations? This episode of News Xplained will find out.

Reporter | Xachary, Steven

Script and storyboard | Axin

Cameraman | Wiingheng

Video | Kangkang

Poster | Mia

Editor | Olivia, Monica, Abby, James



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